Saturday 13 December 2014

Tutorial/cara dual boot windows 7 dengan windows 8

Oke sekarang ane akan membahas cara dual boot Windows 7 dan Windows 8 dengan mudah.
Pertama download dulu Windows 8nya ada di situs resmi Microsoft.
Windows 8 32-bit dan 64-bit Preview
Product Key:   TK8TP-9JN6P-7X7WW-RFFTV-B7QPF 
Atau yang mau nyicil pake Torrent :
Windows 8 Release Preview 64-bit
Windows 8 Consumer Preview 32-bit 
Produck key Consumer Preview : DNJXJ-7XBW8-2378T-X22TX-BKG7J

Kalo ane sih pake yang 64-bit Consumer Preview , sama aja kok CP sama RP ga ada bedanya mungkin ada perbedaan sedikit.

Oke...... udah kelar, Buat bootablenya
Lihat di Postingan ane tentang Cara Membuat DVD bootable Windows 8 disini

Langkah selanjutnya adalah membuat partisi hardisk minimal 20GiB syarat dari Microsoftnya sendiri untuk Windows 8 abang

Lihat pada gambar
1. Buka Run dengan cara seperti biasa tekan tombol Windows + R,ketik diskmgmt.msc lalu enter atau tekan ok

2. Pada jendela Disk Management pilih partisi hardisk yang akan dibagi sebagai Hardisk Windows 8  pilih
    shirnk volume denga cara Klik kanan lalu pilih shrink volume
3. Ketik berapa volume yang akan kawan berikan untuk partisi Windows 8 minimal 20000MB/20GB
4. Jika sudah pasti akan seperti ini

5. klik kanan pada partisi yang berwarna hijau pilih New simple volume, akan terbuka Wizard pilih
    next, next, next saja. jika ingin volume labelnya diganti dengan Windows 8
*langkah ini akan memformat dan membuat partisi hardisk yang kosong tadi menjadi Primary Partition

6. Pastikan Bootable Windows 8 abang siap, restart komputer abang
7. Masuk kesettingan BIOS dan pilih first boot abang melalui DVD-ROM / UFD
    *jika kawan meggunakan DVD, pada saat booting ada tulisan  ‘press any key to boot from CD or DVD’
      tekan sembarang untuk memulai
6. Tunggu beberapa saat untuk masuk kemenu penginstallan

7. Jendela pertama muncul pilih bahasa, waktu, dan keyboard tipe untuk bahasa installasi, klik next
8. lalu Install
9. Tunggu beberapa saat untuk masuk kejendela penginstallan
10. Selanjutnya ketiklah serial number Windows 8, next

11. Klik centang i accept.......... , next
12. Sampai pada Which type of installation do you want?’ pilih ‘Custom (advanced)’
13. Pilih partisi hardisk yang dibuat tadi, next
      *rekom dari ane format dulu sebelum next

14. Tunggu beberapa saat pada peginstalan 
15. Komputer akan meminta restart pilih restart
16. Keluarkan DVD/UFD bootable atau kesettingan bios lalu pilih HDD sebagai first boot
17. Pilih wi-fi kawan untuk melakukan aktifasi langsung

18. Pada setting pilih "Use Express Setting" 
19. Ikuti saja perintah untuk menyetting windows 8 kawan

20. Setelah selesai anda disuguhi Metro UI dari Windows 8 *inilah bagian yang saya tunggu-tunggu
Untuk mengetest apakah Windows 8 andan berjalan baik Lakukan restart 

Kini kawan telah memiliki 2 OS yang berjalan pada komputer kawan
Windows 8 sudah diverifikasikan 

Friday 12 December 2014

Apa itu bitcoin ? Bagaimana cara mendapatkan bitcoin ?

Apa itu bitcoin ? 
Bitcoin adalah mata uang yang tidak diatur oleh negara manapun atau bisa dikatakan kalau Bitcoin adalah mata uang digital pertama yang terdesentralisasi. 

Bitcoin adalah uang digital yang bisa dikirim melalui internet tanpa melalui Bank ataupun lembaga kliring.

Dengan melakukan transaksi menggunakan Bitcoin maka agan-agan tidak perlu membayar biaya transfer layaknya mengirim uang antar bank, Dalam transaksi Bitcoin, tidak ada nomor kartu kredit yang bisa dikumpulkan oleh oknum-oknum yang tidak bertanggung jawab. 

Dengan Bitcoin dimungkinkan melakukan transaksi anonim alias tanpa mengungkapkan identitas Anda sama sekali. Di dompet Bitcoin tidak ada nama pemilik atau informasi apapun yang bisa diketahui oleh merchant ataupun orang lain. Hal ini sangat berbeda dengan transaksi online konvensional seperti transfer bank yang membutuhkan nama lengkap dan identitas pendukung.

Sekarang agan-agan dapat menggunakan Bitcoin di Negara mana saja. Tidak ada bank yang memperlambat prosesnya, tidak ada biaya yang mahal, tidak ada pembekuan dana, tidak akan ada yang bertanya dari mana uang berasal dan apa tujuan transaksi. Dengan menggunakan Bitcoin, transfer lintas benua sama mudahnya seperti melakukan transaksi dengan tetangga sebelah.

Agan tidak perlu pergi ke mana-mana untuk melakukan transaksi Bitcoin. Asalkan ada internet, agan bisa menggunakan tablet, handphone atau komputer untuk transfer ke mana saja di dunia ini. 

Bagaimana cara mendapatkan bitcoin ?

Sebelum agan mencari bitcoin agan harus punya wallet/dompet bitcoin .

1. Software Wallets
Software Wallet yang diinstal pada komputer agan dan dikoneksikan online agar terhubung dengan jaringan/peer bitcoin keunggulannya bisa dipake saat wallet online servernya down/maintenance, bisa gampang melihat transaksi kita tanpa ganti2 page, dan tentunya lebih merasa aman karena BTC kita disimpan di PC kita langsung. Beberapa software wallet yang dapat anda gunakan:

  • Bitcoin-Qt
  • MultiBit
  • Armory
  • Electrum

2. Mobile Wallets
Ini merupakan wallet yang bisa diinstal di hp agan-agan sekalian, agar memudahkan transaksi. Beberapa Mobile wallet yang dapat agan gunakan:

  • Mycelium
  • Coinbase

3. Web Wallets
Ini merupakan wallet online yang berbasis website. Bitcoin agan akan tersimpan di server. Beberapa Web wallet yang dapat agan gunakan:
  • Coinbase

Setelah mempunyai wallet agan bisa mencari bitcoin melalui link dibawah ini :

Faucet :
Agan Cuma disuruh menunggu untuk mendapatkan bitcoin 

Ptc :      
Agan Cuma disuruh  mengunjungi beberapa situs .

Mining :
Intinya di mining ini seperti investasi.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Tsu - bermain sosial media dan mendapatkan uang

Apakah Media sosial TSU itu?
Tsu adalah Sebuah media sosial yang membayar aktivitas penggunannya baru saja diluncurkan, bernama Tsu Sosial Media. Untuk penggunaan maupun pendaftaran di Tsu sama dengan Media Sosial lainnya, yaitu gratis namun yang membedakan dengan Twitter, Facebook, Instagram dan lainnya adalah keuntungan perusahaan dari iklan yang tampil menjadi milik perusahaan, namun pada media sosial Tsu pendapatan yang didapatkan dari sponsor maupun partner dibagikan kepada pengguna mereka sampai dengan 90%.

Untuk mendapatkan pembagian keuntungan dari Tsu cukup mudah, hanya dengan update status, upload foto, berkomentar maupun mengundang teman untuk ikut menggunakan Tsu. Sebenarnya setiap apapun yang Anda lakukan pada media sosial manapun merupakan sebuah konten yang bernilai, yang menarik para pemasang iklan maupun sponsor pada media sosial, namun keuntungan dari konten milik Anda tersebut tidak diberikan kepada Anda sama sekali, Anda hanya disuruh update status sebanyak-banyaknya, upload foto narsis tanpa bayaran, jadi komentator pada status teman tanpa keuntungan apapun, padahal semua itu adalah konten berharga bagi perusahaan Social Network. Namun di sosial media baru bernama Tsu ini mereka memberikan 90% nilai konten berharga tersebut kepada Anda kembali.

Apa perbedaan TSU dengan media sosial lain?

Apa Kelebihan dari sosmed TSU?
  • Free Register (DAFTAR GRATIS JHON). Proses Daftar yang mudah dan simpel karena tsumemberikan fitur Aboard khusus pengguna yang akan mendaftar namun tidak mau mengisi Registrasi Form secara lengkap. dan kita bisa daftar melalui Short Code atau Invitation Link.
  • Sosial Media-an dan dibayar/ NO SCAM (Meskipun ane juga baru gabung sih, lagian juga baru launching JHON).
  • Fiturnya menarik JHON, Elu yang kaga doyan FOLLOW-FOLLOW nan bisa cuman temenan aja (add Friend) tanpa harus FOLLOW. Tampilan secara keseluruhan juga enak dilihat. 
  • Kita bisa memantau aktivitas kita di sub menu analytic, fitur ini berguna memantau dan menganalisi keseluruhan aktivitas kita di Tsu meliputi (Friend, Post, View on your post, like on your post, comment on your post) serta dimudahkan dengan Gambar Grafik dimana akan terlihat aktivitas kita meningkat atau menurun.
  • Bank pada sub menu sebelah kiri juga akan memudahkan kita aktivitas keseluruhan revenue/royalty/ pendapatan kita. dan ada button redeem your payment.
  • Family Tree pada sub menu sebelah kiri merupakan fitur Jaringan Pohon dimana kita bisa melihat jumlah jaringan keluarga (Family), anak (Children), teman (Friend), pengikut (Follower). 
  • tsu menyediakan aplikasi smartphone yang bisa anda download di Appstore dan Google Play
    Anda boleh mencari di google play store.
Tampilan Home pada Media Sosial terbaru TSU ?

Terus bagaimana cara mendaftar di TSU?
Pendaftaran atau registrasi pada tsu sedikit berbeda dari media sosial lainnya, Anda harus mendapat undangan atau invite untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari Tsu.

Langsung ke langkah-langkahnya:
1. Kunjungi website
2. Masukkan kata pendaftaran atau mediasosial atau sosialmedia !
3. Klik Sign up !
4. Masukkan data-data Anda seperti saat daftar Facebook dan lainnya!
5. Lalu Klik Sign up & go straight to content
6. Cek Email untuk proses registrasi complete nya

*Atau cara cepetnya, langsung kunjungi lalu tinggal masukkan data aja

Terus bagaimana cara dapatin duit dari TSU?
 Kunci utamanya adalah konten, semakin banyak konten yang anda buat semakin banyak keuntungan yang didapatkan. Cara membuat konten cukup mudah, cukup update status, upload foto, berbagi/share website atau apapun seperti pada media sosial Facebook, Twitter dan lainnya.

Berikutnya adalah teman, semakin banyak teman berarti semakin banyak orang yang melihat konten kita. Semakin banyak yang like/suka akan meningkatkan nilai konten kita. Cari teman sebanyak-banyaknya, ajak teman untuk ikut menggunakan Tsu.

Terakhir adalah undang teman Anda sebanyak-banyaknya melalui shortcut Anda. Ini hanya untuk menambah jumlah kawan/teman pada family tree Tsu.

Mudahkan? daftar segera...  dan mulai mencari keuntungan dari sosial media.. jika kurang paham, boleh tanyakan di kotak komentar.. nanti segera akan diberikan informasi lebih..

Tips bagaimana biar cepat dapatkan uang dari TSU?
  1.  Perbanyak AddFriend dan Follow
    maksimal Follow jangan lebih dari 1000 Follow nanti kena limit Follow
    maksimal Addfirend 50 per hari
  2. Perbanyak Post Content Bermutu
    kalo bisa posting content yang isinya bisa di like dan di Share pengguna lain
    kalo anda mempunyai banyak teman dan banyak follower/following pastilah yang melihat post anda semakin banyak dan semakin banyak yang LIKE dan Share. Otomatis earning harian juga akan meningkat.
  3. Pake Hastag didalam Setiap Post Anda
    Jangan terlalu banyak memakai hastag karena itu di anggap curang bisa2 kena banned, hastag kalo bisa jangan lebih dari 8
    jangan juga terlalu banyak memakai hastag yang hubungannya dengan follow karena dianggap spam bisa2 kena banned
  4. Share Postingan Temen yang Contentnya Menarik
    share postingan maksimal share 8 kali sehari
  5. Berikan Comment/ Dapatkan
    Comment juga diperlukan, jangan comment untuk follow back dan sebagainya itu termasuk spam comment seperlunya saja dan jangan terlalu banyak comment disemua postingan dalam waktu berdekatan itu juga termasuk spam
  6. Perbanyak Ng-Like/ Dapatkan
    perbanyaklah like postingan temen. kalo batasan like masih belum tahu. cuman like lebih dari 1000/hari masih bisa.
  7. Perbanyak Jaringan Melalui Referall Link Anda
    Sudah pasti perbanyak jaringan bisa meningkatkan earning anda
  8. Untuk mencapai titik aman kira2 $5-10/hari. kalo bisa minimal harus punya 5000 teman/follower harus bisa punya network 100 / children
    perbanyak post, like, share, comment tapi ingat batas2 nya yang sudah dijelaskan di atas.
  9. Jika ada nanti tambahan, akan dipostingan berikutnya di tampilkan.

Jangan lupa follow punya saya

Purchase in app gratis untuk android

Saya akan memberikan tutorial purchase in app secara GRATIS di android .

Cara install :

  • Install & buka
  • Tap untuk apk yang ingin di jalankan.

  • Tunggu sebentar 

  • Beli lah sesuatu

  • Akan muncul seperti ini

  • Lalu pilih "LANJUTKAN"

  • Dan pembayaran pun berhasil dengan gratis, yeeeay :D


Tutorial jailbreak ios 8 menggunakan pangu

Langsung aja gan ke tutorialnya : 

  1. Unduh aplikasi Pangu for Windows v 1.0.1 dari laman Untuk sementara ini hanya ada versi Windows, pengguna Mac harap bersabar sebentar lagi.
  2. Klik kanan aplikasi Pangu, pilih run as administrator.
  3. Hubungkan perangkat iOS 8 milikmu ke komputer dengan bantuan kabel data.
  4. Uncheck pilihan yang ada di check box sebelah kiri layar.
  5. Saatnya memulai Jailbreak! Tekan ikon biru di tampilan utama, tunggu hingga proses selesai. Perangkat iOS kamu akan mengalami reboot beberapa kali sebelum semuanya ini selesai.pangu
  6. Setelah proses selesai, kamu akan melihat ikon Pangu di home screen iPad atu iPhone tersebut. Buka aplikasi Pangu, saatnya menginstal Cydia.
  7. Instal aplikasi Cydia dengan cara menekan teks Instal di kanan atas. pangu
  8. Setelah selesai, tekan tombol Respring untuk merestart perangkat.
  9. Nah sekarang coba cari Cydia di home screen kamu, sudah tersedia kan?

Tutorial root android kitkat 4.4.2

Berikut Saya berikan tutorial cara root Android 4.4.2 KitKat OmniROM:

STEP 1 - Download SuperSU flashable zipterlebih dahulu, tidak perlu di extract.
STEP 2 - Copy hasil download tadi ke kartu memori perangkat Android.

STEP 3 - Matikan perangkat atau reboot ke recovery melalui tombol power. 
STEP 4 - Sekarang perangkat berada pada recovery mode.Pilih Install zip from sdcard kemudian choose zip from sdcard. Kemudian arahkan ke file “” yang sudah di download dan disalin ke kartu memori tadi. Pilih menggunakan tombol Power dan mengkonfirmasi instalasi dengan memilihYes pada tampilan berikutnya.

STEP 5 - Proses rooting berjalan dan tunggu hingga proses selesai.

STEP 6 - Setelah proses selesai silahkan reboot to system atau matikan dan nyalakan kembali ke system.

Cara download game berbayar di windows 8 store

Store toko aplikasi official pertama milik Microsoft ini benar-benar menyuguhkan beragam aplikasi maupun game dengan kualitas tinggi, dan tentunya game kualitas tinggi ini juga harus dibayar dengan harga yang tinggi pula, Hhe... :D
Berbeda dengan toko aplikasi yang dimiliki oleh Apple, Store milik Windows ini cukup membingungkan untuk tata cara pembayarannya ( Entah ane yang katro ato Microsoft yang benar-benar kaga bisa buat toko aplikasinya sedinamis mungkin ?, Entahlah )

  1. Tentunya Windows 8
  2. Koneksi Internet
  3. Kedua file ini :
    -wscrack_xx 32bit : Download 64bit : Download ( Pilih yang mana besarnya bit diOS kamu )
    -wscrack_anycpu : Download ( Yang dipake adalah Tokens Extractornya )
    pass : kangooroo
  4. Dan game yang ingin didownload harus ada pilihan "TRY" ( seperti contoh dibawah )
1.  Download kedua file diatas lalu extract
2.  Install wscrack_xx diatas ( Ingat ! sesuaikan dengan besarnya bit Windows 8 kamu, bisa dicek di system information ) klik Install
3. Sekarang buka folder wscrack_anycpu terus pilih TokensExtractor.exe klik kanan lalu pilih Run as Administrator ( nanti akan terbuka seperti dibawah ini )
4.  Minimize token extracktornya, sekarang buka Store dan pilih game ( Ingat ! game yang dipilih harus ada pilihan TRY ) Selese milih, klik TRY
dan download pun berjalan, pilih dan klik tulisan Installing....... disebelah kanan atas lalu pause game yang sedang didownload tadi.
5.  Kembali lagi ke TokensExtractor, pilih refresh dan cari game yang kamu download tadi ( seperti yang saya highlight )
lalu pilih Dig for .appx URLs  nanti akan terbuka window baru pilih download nanti browser akan terbuka otomatis ( jangan diclose ), lalu terbuka lagi pop-up IDM ataupun downloader bawaan. Tunggu sampe kelar :D
6.  Kelar download rename file zip yang udah kedownload tadi didownload ( biar kaga bingung ) terus copy kedesktop. Buka PowerShell, Start > Ketik "PowerShell" > Enter. lalu ketik ini :
kalo udah drag file zip tadi ke PowerShell l
 lalu enter, tunggu deh gamenya keinstall
7.  Kalo udah balik lagi ke TokensExtractornya terus pilih deh Crack It ! nanti muncul pop-up Klik ok

8.  Mainin deh gamenya :)
Pass : kangooroo


  • File zip yang udah didownload tadi masih bisa diinstall ke Laptop, Desktop, ataupun Komputer, jadi jangan didelete disimpen aja
  • Kalo mau nyimpen licencenya pilih view terus pilih save original
  • Jangan rajin-rajin ngupdate si Windows takut gamenya ngecrash kaga bisa dibuka
Semoga tutorial kali ini bermanfaat bagi kamu-kamu yang gamau keilangan duit buat beli game yang kaga bisa dimaenin diakherat nanti :D, Sekian.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Cara bermain minecraft pocket edition (pe) online atau multiplayer for android using wifi

Bagi para pemain Minecraft yang belum mengetahui cara bergabung ke external server, maka berikut ini cara-cara untuk masuk ke dalam server yang kamu inginkan: 

Hubungkan perangkat anda dengan wifi terlebih dahulu !


1.Masuk ke dalam menu play, tempat world yang telah ada dalam Minecraft PE yang kamu miliki.


2. Klik tombol edit yang terdapat pada sisi kanan atas.

nama,alamat,port server

3. Masukkan nama server, alamat, dan port server, sesuai dengan server yang akan dimasuki.

Muncul jeng!
4. Akan muncul pilihan world, yang dapat kamu klik dan kamu mainkan



Rekomendasi server Indonesia :


Saturday 11 January 2014

The hunger games 2 : catching fire download film + subtittle indonesia

Gw akan Share link download film + subtittle indonesia film favorit Gw , yaitu the hunger games.

Sinopsis : Katniss dan Peeta yang berasal dari Distrik 12 harus menjalani tur ke 11 distrik lainnya sebagai perayaan kemenangan. Di sini Katniss dan Peeta harus meyakinkan publik bahwa mereka benar-benar pasangan yang sedang saling jatuh cinta. Di lain pihak, Katniss sendiri merasa bimbang karena Gale Hawthorne (LiamHemsworth) juga menunjukkan perasaan sukanya pada Katniss.

Sementara itu, Presiden Snow (DonaldSutherland) terlihat membenci Katniss dan mulai sedikit khawatir sejak gadis itu memenangkan Hunger Games. Menurutnya, Katniss bisa saja memicu adanya pemberontakan besar-besaran. Untuk itulah Snow pun berusaha melakukan strategi lain.
Katniss dan Peeta pun diwajibkan untuk mengikuti Hunger Games ke-75 atau yang disebut dengan Quartel Quell. Pertandingan ini merupakan edisi khusus Hunger Games yang diadakan setiap 25 tahun sekali. Dalam pertandingan tersebut, seluruh peraturan nyaris sama, namun di sini Katniss dan Peeta harus melawan wakil-wakil tiap distrik yang pernah memenangkan Hunger Games sebelumnya.
Tentu saja Quartel Quell bukan pertandingan yang mudah bagi Katniss maupun Peeta, karena tiap pesertanya terbukti memiliki ketangguhan yang tak bisa dianggap remeh dan jauh berbeda dari Hunger Games biasanya..

Sumpah Gw seneng banget kalo nonton film ini .
Link download  the hunger games  catching fire  :  Download full movie the hunger games 2 : catching fire
Link download subtittle the hunger games catching fire bahasa Indonesia : Subtittle bahasa Indonesia hunger games catching fire
Sumber : Ganool

Rumor & konsep iPhone 6 dan ios 8

Hy agan" , kali ini Gw akan membahas tentang rumor & konsep iPhone 6 & ios 8

konsep untuk iOS 8 dan iPhone 6 dimulai. 

Seseorang menggambarkan bahwa iPhone 6 bakal menggunakan desain iPad Air dengan layar tanpa bezel (edge-to-edge display), kamera berkekuatan 20 Megapixel dan akan menggunakan fingerprint seperti iPhone 5s . Terkait iOS 8, ios 8 tidak menggambarkan banyak perubahan , ios 8 ini hampir mirip dengan ios 7

Friday 10 January 2014

Join/gabung clan clash of clans

Kali ini Gw bakalan ngajak agan" untuk join/gabung di clan clash of clans punya temen Gw .
Walaupun yg punya clan temen Gw , Gw jadi eldernya kok.
Jadi Gw masih bisa nerima kalo agan berminat untuk gabung.

Syarat" :
•harus orang Indo
•minimal trophies harus 200

Peraturan jika sudah bergabung :
•saling menghormati sesama anggota clan
•harus bilang thx jika sudah di beri troops
Setelah donate 

Jika agan berminat silahkan join 

Thursday 9 January 2014

Justin bieber journals

OK kali ini Gw akan Share link download album Justin bieber journals ..

Gausah panjang lebar langsung aja ke link downloadnya :  justin bieber - journals full album

Ga cuma itu gan , ane juga akan Share liriknya .

Lirik lagu Justin bieber - heartbreaker

Girl you don't know how I feel (how I really feel)
Since you been away, oh baby
Any chance that you could take my call (take my call), if I dialed you today
You say that you don't wanna talk but it's cool
I've been thinking about you all day long, hoping you pick up your phone

And I know that I don't wanna lose your love, oh baby

Oh girl I got a secret place that we can go
'Cause I really wanna be alone
And baby nobody else gotta know
Just meet me later on the low

Don't tell me you're my heartbreaker
'Cause girl my heart is breaking
Don't tell me you're my heartbreaker
'Cause girl my heart is breaking

Girl you see me standing here
Standing in the rain
Any chance that you could stay right here
And never go away

You say that you don't wanna talk but it's cool
I've been thinking about you all day long, hoping you pick up your phone

And I know that I don't wanna lose your love, oh baby

Oh girl I got a secret place that we can go
'Cause I really wanna be alone
And baby nobody else gotta know
Just meet me later on the low

Don't tell me you're my heartbreaker
'Cause girl my heart is breaking
Don't tell me you're my heartbreaker
'Cause girl my heart is breaking

So what I’m really trying to say is, and what I hope you understand
Is despite of all the imperfections of who I am I still wanna be your man
I know it hasn’t been easy for us to talk with everyone being around
But this is, this is personal, this is for me and you
And I want you to know that I still love you
And I know the seasons may change
But sometimes love goes from sunshine to rain
But I'm under this umbrella and I’m calling your name
And you know I don’t wanna lose that

I still believe in us
I still believe in love
I still believe in us
I hope you believe in us
The way I believe in us

You don’t see, 'cause what you don’t see, is when we don't speak
I really don't sleep, I wanna talk to ya
And if I had the world in my hands I’d give it all to ya
I wanna know if you feeling the way that I’m feelin’
I wanna know if you feeling the way that I, the way that I

You told me to be careful with your heart, your heart
You told me to be careful with your heart, your heart
Be careful with your heart

Lirik Justin bieber - all That matters

Oh-oh, just as sure as the stars in the sky
I need you to show me the light
Not just for the meanwhile, for a long long time, better believe it

Oh-oh, whenever you're not in my presence
It feels like I'm missing my blessings, yeah
So I sleep through the daylight, stay awake all night
Till you back again, yeah, yeah

You think I'm biased
To my significant other
You hit it right on the head
Only been missing my lover

Got a whole lot of texts in my phone and I don't reply
But the next eight bars tell you why.

You're all that matters to me
Yeah yeah, ain't worry about nobody else
If it ain't you, I ain't myself
You make me complete
You're all that matters to me

Yeah, yeah, what's a king bed without a queen
There ain't no "I" in team
To make me complete
You're all that matters to me

Take the gas out the car it won't drive
That's how I feel when you're not by my side
When I wake up in the morning up under you, and only you

Uh-oh, I'm grateful for your existence
Faithful no matter the distance
You're the only girl I see
From the bottom of my heart please believe

You're all that matters to me
Yeah yeah, ain't worry about nobody else
If it ain't you, I'm not myself
You make me complete
You're all that matters to me

Yeah, yeah, what's a king bed without a queen
There ain't no "I" in team
To make me complete
You're all that matters to me

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
You're all that matters to me
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
You're all that matters to me

Lirik Justin bieber - hold tight

Happy birthday

They hold on tight
Yeah, they hold on tight
Ooh, they hold on tight
Them lips won't let me go
(Lips won't let me go, lips won't let me go, oh)

They hold on tight
Yeah, they hold on tight
Ooh, they hold on tight
Them lips won't let me go
(Lips won't let me go, lips won't let me go, oh)

Don't let this go to your head
But you're the best, I've ever had
Not to mention
That thing is swollen
You got me oh so in a trance

Something like a ziploc, but a lip lock
Want you wrapped around me like a wrist watch
Oh, so hard walking out
Got me stuck like crazy glue, ooh

They hold on tight
Yeah, they hold on tight
Ooh, they hold on tight
Them lips won't let me go
(Lips won't let me go, lips won't let me go, oh)

They hold on tight
Yeah, they hold on tight
Ooh, they hold on tight
Them lips won't let me go
(Lips won't let me go, lips won't let me go, oh)

Got me tossing, turning into bed
The places where I rather be instead
You don't know your strength
Missing you is like adrenaline
Oh, when you got me in a gridlock
What a great spot
Yeah, that turned up kind of love and it just won't stop
No, so hard walking out
Got me stuck like crazy glue, ooh babe

They hold on tight
Yeah, they hold on tight
Ooh, they hold on tight
Them lips won't let me go
(Lips won't let me go, lips won't let me go, oh)

They hold on tight
Yeah, they hold on tight
Ooh, they hold on tight
Them lips won't let me go
(Lips won't let me go, lips won't let me go, oh)

Holding back the faces I would make
I'm a fan and you're the rock star
Making it hard on me
Visualize a monster
'Cause you're too bad for me
Shot that arrow, I'm hit
Need you right near me
Trying to maintain, so don't mind if I turn away (no, no)
I try to maintain, so don't mind if I turn away

They hold on tight
Yeah, they hold on tight
Ooh, they hold on tight
Them lips won't let me go
(Lips won't let me go, lips won't let me go, oh)

They hold on tight
Yeah, they hold on tight
Ooh, they hold on tight
Them lips won't let me go

Lirik Justin bieber - recovery 

First I'll acknowledge
Our trust has been broken
A successful recovery
I pray for us at night
Bless me with a second chance
Never thought I'd see your face again
Learned a lot through trial and error
I try to make it right, make it right

Make it right, make it right
It's time to do you right

I'm missing your good intentions
I'm missing you from a distance
Hope you feel the same
I know that I caused a problem
I know that I left you livid, pushed you far away

Learned it, don't pay to lie
'Cause I don't wanna see you cry
Sayin' nothin' gets you nowhere fast
I'mma hold it back inside

Well now that I'm back around you
Nothing else really matters
Hope you feel the same

First I'll acknowledge
Our trust has been broken
A successful recovery
I pray for us at night
Bless me with a second chance
Never thought I'd see your face again
Learned a lot through trial and error
I try to make it right, make it right

Make it right, make it right
It's time to do you right

I'm going thorugh all the emotions
Tryin' to find a reason
Why we ended that way
Nothing in life is perfect
When you're changing like the seasons
That's what they used to say

If it's gonna sleep alone at night
I don't wanna close my eyes
Wanna give you all I have to give
I'm not holding back this time
Now that I'm back around you
Nothing around me matters
Hope you feel the same

First I'll acknowledge
Our trust has been broken
A successful recovery
I pray for us at night
Bless me with a second chance
Never thought I'd see your face again
Learned a lot through trial and error
I try to make it right, make it right

Make it right, make it right
It's time to do you right

Ooh know I'mma do you right
Ooh know I'mma do you right
I'mm do you right
Ooh know I'mma do you right

Lirik Justin bieber - bad day 

No I didn't think you would let me down that easy (oh no, girl)
And I didn't think it was over
Until you walked away
Like it was nothing, baby

And that moment was so hard for me to breathe
'Cause you took away the biggest part of me, yeah
Life is so unpredictable

Never thought a love like yours could leave me all alone (oh no)
Didn't waste any time
Like you had already made up your mind
No sympathy
'Cause I was out of line (oh, yeah)

But I didn't think you would let me down that easy (oh no, girl)
And I didn't think it was over
Until you walked away
Like it was nothing, girl

It was a bad day (hey, yeah, yeah)
I know I was wrong
But you could have said "goodbye" baby
It was a bad day
Now I'm like, "wow"

It was a bad day
It was a bad day
It was a bad day

Lirik Justin bieber -  all bad 

[Verse 1]
It's another, if it ain't one thing
Instigators, like pouring fire on propane
The wrong thing, they be worried about
Ooh, you know females
And how they like to run their mouths

Wanna be, wanna be, just like, talk like, you
(like you) you (like you)
Misery, misery, love's company
Don't let them change your mood

They try to get at me (They try to get at me)
Behind your back (your back, your back)
Tryin' to tell me that I'm just like the others
But I ain't all bad

No, no, I ain't all bad
All bad, all bad
I ain't all bad
All bad, all bad

I might make you mad, so mad
My bad, no, I ain't all bad

[Verse 2]
Between us, they wanna comment
Your worst enemy some time be your best friend
Perfect, ain't saying that I am
Proven, it's proven I don't give a damn

Wanna be, wanna be everything I ought to be to you (to you)
Envy, envy, same thing as jealousy
Jealous of you
That's what they do

They try to get at me (They try to get at me)
Behind your back (your back, your back)
Tryin' to tell me that I'm just like the others
But I ain't all bad

No, no, I ain't all bad
All bad, all bad
I ain't all bad
All bad, all bad

I might make you mad, so mad
My bad, no, I ain't all bad

Lirik Justin bieber - P.Y.D

I'mma put you down
I'mma put you down
All the way down

[Justin Bieber]
From the door to the wall
Coffee table girl get ready
I'mma put you down (PYD PYD PYD)
All the way down (PYD PYD PYD)
From the stove to the counter top dining room table are you ready?
I'mma put you down (PYD PYD PYD)
Up the stairs to my bedroom, light a few candles brace yourself
I'mma put you down (PYD PYD PYD)
All the way down (PYD PYD PYD)
On a plane, a train, an automobile doesn't matter
I'mma put you down (PYD PYD PYD)
All the way down (PYD PYD PYD)
And it don't make no sense to me baby
I'mma take it down on you babe (PYD PYD PYD)
Put you down
This will show you how much I love you, form of appreciation
I'mma put you down (PYD PYD PYD)
Ooh, 'cause you deserve the best and nothing but the best so I give you the best you’ve ever had
I’mma put you down (PYD PYD PYD)
I’mma put you down

[R. Kelly]
On the roof, balcony, we don't care who sees
Girl, I'mma put you down (PYD PYD PYD)
All way down down down (PYD PYD PYD)
After the club, in the parking lot
I don't care anyone who could pick the spot, whatever
I'mma put you down yeah (PYD PYD PYD)
All way down yeah (PYD PYD PYD)
Cause I've been doing forensics on your body in this club
Now I can tell the way you walking body ain't been touched the right way
It seems your man been treating you like a step try-out
Some of 'em are out , some are in
And I'mma get on the floor and shut the whole game down
Until I hear you cheering babe
Have you spelled out my name babe
See I wanna give you all my love
Be your dope man in the bedroom
You can make me your drug babe
And it don't make no sense to be there baby, oh no, baby
(PYD PYD PYD) I'mma put you down
Gonna show you how much I love you, form of appreciation, yeah no ooh
Ooh, 'cause you deserve the best and nothing but the best so I give you the best you’ve ever had
I’m gonna put you down (PYD PYD PYD)
I’m gonna put you down, all the way down

Ooh, 'cause you deserve the best and nothing but the best so I give you the best you’ve ever had
I’mma put you down, I’mma put you down
I’mma put you down, I’mma put you down

Put you down (x4)
Put you down (x4)
Put you down (x4)
Put you down (x4)

Lirik Justin bieber - rollercoaster

Come here
I don't know what happened

[Verse 1]
Where did they go?
Nights like this don't happen anymore
I need to know
Is it me? or did I lose control?

Lonely overseas
Lonely memories
Wish I had the key to your heart
People come and go
Baby, they don't know
What we had before
What it felt before our eyes

Roller coaster, roller coaster
Spinning all around and around for a world baby
Roller coaster, roller coaster
For a minute we were up, but the next we were falling down

[Verse 2]
It's been difficult
I’m just happy there's no fights no more
But it’s nights like this that I never ever missed you more
If there's a reason why this happens for

Lonely overseas
Lonely memories
Wish I had the key to your heart
People come and go
Baby, they don't know
What we had before
What it felt before our eyes

Roller coaster, roller coaster
Spinning all around and around for a world baby
Roller coaster, roller coaster
For a minute we were up, but the next we were falling down


Lonely overseas
Lonely memories
Wish I had the key to your heart
People come and go
Baby, they don't know
What we had before
What it felt before our eyes

Roller coaster, roller coaster
Spinning all around and around for a world baby
Roller coaster, roller coaster
For a minute we were up, but the next we were falling down

Lirik Justin bieber - Change me

Girl, I'm ready, if you're ready, now
Ooh, is it ever gonna be?
If you're with it, then I'm with it, now
To accept all responsability
I'd go out of my way
To live by the words that you say
I don't wanna be the same

Maybe you could change me
Maybe you could change me

Maybe you could be the light
That opens up my eyes
Make all my wrongs right
Change me, change me

Don't fight fire with fire
If I'm screaming, talk quieter
Understanding and patience
Feel the pain that I'm facing
Be like Serenity
Help me position my mind
Take a chance
Make a difference in my life

Maybe you could change me
Maybe you could change me

Maybe you could be the light
That opens up my eyes
Make all my wrongs right
Change me, change me

Girl, I'm ready, if you're ready, now
Ooh, is it ever gonna be?
If you're with it, then I'm with it, now

Lirik Justin bieber - confident

Don't do it to me
Don't do it to me
Oh no no, oh no no
Don't do it to me
Don't do it to me
Don't do it to me
Oh no no, oh no no

Focused, I'm focused
She got a body like that
I ain't never seen nothing like that
Like a fantasy in front of me
I think that something special is going down
That's right I think she foreign
Think she foreign, got passports
Mi amor started slow, got faster
She gon' work some more, work some more
No stopping her now, no stopping her now

Then she started dancing, sexual romancing
Nasty but she fancy, lipstick on my satin sheets
What's your nationality? I wonder if there's more of you
She's got my attention, she's confident

Oh no no, oh no no
She's confident
Oh no no, oh no no
And I'm down with it
Oh no no, oh no no
She's confident
You could tell by the way she walks in the room

She said it's her first time
I think she might of lied
Feels so good damn, and I don't know why
I'm addicted, something like a headache
Got me twisted, but still I gotta have it
Explosive, explosive (I could still smell her perfume)
It's not hard to notice, that I'm open
Hypnotized by the way she moves

Then she started dancing, sexual romancing
Nasty but she fancy, mona lisa masterpiece
What's your nationality? I wonder if there's more of you
She's got my attention, she's confident

Oh no no, oh no no
She's confident
Oh no no, oh no no
And I'm down with it
Oh no no, oh no no
She's confident
You could tell by the way she walks in the room

She said it's her first time
I think she might of lied
Feels so good damn, and I don't know why
I'm addicted, something like a headache
Got me twisted, but still I gotta have it

[Chance the Rapper]
Tattoos, piercings and she just learned to twerk
She ain't gotta heart or a ass, just her brains
Gotta ask cause her ass on a learning curve
And she love to hurn the berb, I mean burn the word
That's only legal with a doctors note
Real deep pockets like a doctors clothes
Stay fitted like Diddy, hair back tryna rock the vote
She the first mate wanna rock the boat
She never forget to ride like a bicycle
She like planes, trains, chains with icicles
It goes her, blank, blank, and rock & roll
She say "I know, honey bunny that's a funny thing"
Watch her twerk for a goodfella
She money dance with the money team

Oh no no, oh no no
She's confident
Oh no no, oh no no
And I'm down with it
Oh no no, oh no no
She's confident
You could tell by the way she walks in the room

She said it's her first time
I think she might of lied
Feels so good damn, and I don't know why
I'm addicted, something like a headache
Got me twisted, but still I gotta have it

Still I gotta have it
Still I gotta have it
Still I gotta have it
Oh no no, oh no no
Oh no no, oh no no
Oh no no, oh no no
Oh no no, oh no no
But still I gotta have it

Lirik Justin bieber - one life

So girl
You just be honest with me, I know we can make this work
I love you

[Verse 1]
I know that you afraid, babe
But you don't need to be saved, babe
You just need someone who understands
And I think I need the same, babe
Show me where you at, let's keep it honest
Home is where you at and that's a promise
Open up and never keep it from us
Nothing left between us, baby, nothing
Tell me what you want, let's keep it gangsta
Tell me who created you, I'd thank her
Open up and never keep it from us
Nothing left between us, baby

Hopefully you'll give me a chance
All I want is love and romance
I wanna give it all, give it all to you

I wanna dream what you dream
Go where you're going
I only have one life
And I only wanna live it with you
I wanna sleep where you sleep
Connect with your soul
The only thing I want in life
I only wanna live it with you
Oh yeah, oh yeah
I only wanna live it with you
Only wanna live it with you

[Verse 2]
Tell me what you want, I can't believe it
I know that if we make it there's a reason
Sometimes the sun shines, baby
Sometimes it ain't breezy
I hope that maybe this time it may be different
I told you I'mma make it happen, I commit it
Yeah, you took your shot and didn't miss it
Ain't nothing more attractive than a mission

Hopefully you'll give me a chance
All I want is love and romance
I wanna give it all, give it all to you

I wanna dream what you dream
Go where you're going
I only have one life
And I only wanna live it with you
I wanna sleep where you sleep
Connect with your soul
The only thing I want in life
I only wanna live it with you
Oh yeah, oh yeah
I only wanna live it with you
Only wanna live it with you

[Verse 3]
If I came to your crib would you open the door?
I don't wanna go down that road no more
Said you wanted it bad, but girl I wanted it more
You're the only one I wanna be with, yeah

I wanna dream what you dream
Go where you're going
I only have one life
And I only wanna live it with you
I wanna sleep where you sleep
Connect with your soul
The only thing I want in life
I only wanna live it with you
Oh yeah, oh yeah
I only wanna live it with you
Only wanna live it with you

Lirik Justin bieber - backpack

You said “I come in peace” so I took you home
I gave you food and I gave you clothes
I taught you how to move your feet when the rhythms on
Still you wanna leave ‘cause you feel alone

You don’t know what they’re like
If they know that you’re alive
They’re gonna try to take away the secrets of your planet's life
I know you must be upset, you lost your family in a wreck
But you gotta listen

Don’t try to find your spaceship
It might be out there waiting
Stay in my backpack forever
Stay in my backpack forever
(You know I can’t find my spaceship, my planet’s outside there waiting, I can’t stay in your backpack forever)

Before you came around I was in a rut
Didn’t have a friend, didn’t know what it was
You taught how to dream and how to live
You’re my best friend please listen to me

You don’t know what they’re like
If they know that you’re alive
They’re gonna try to take away the secrets of your planet's life
I know you must be upset, you lost your family in a wreck
But you gotta listen

Don’t try to find your spaceship
It might be out there waiting
Stay in my backpack forever
Stay in my backpack forever
(You know I can’t find my spaceship, my planet’s outside there waiting, I can’t stay in your backpack forever)

[Lil Wayne]
Greetings, I fell from the sky
I’m from a different world I use Lil Wayne as a disguise
And my flying saucer crashed, I’m the only one who survived
I’m only taking over this planet since I arrived
I’m in a backpack, I’m in ducking Men in Black
Yeah, I’m an alien, my swag is outta this world
Different galaxy, they try to capture me
When I die they gonna name this planet after me
Wayne’s world

Don’t try to find your spaceship
It might be out there waiting
Stay in my backpack forever
Stay in my backpack forever
(You know I can’t find my spaceship, my planet’s outside there waiting, I can’t stay in your backpack forever)

On our planet we don't kill one another
We don't take love for granted
It's a gift from the mother
In your planet, you are filled with greed and false belief
We came here to bring you peace

Lirik Justin bieber - whats hatnin

I pull up and then I hop out, like what's hatnin'
I knock on the door, she know who it is, what's hatnin'
We on a roll, we 'bout to go, what's hatnin'
We took off in that UFO, like what's hatnin'
What's hatnin', what's hatnin', baby girl what's hatnin'
Don't talk about it, just be about it, whatever happens, it's hatnin'
What's hatnin', what's hatnin', baby girl what's hatnin'
Don't talk about it, just be about it, you got it girl, what's hatnin'

Do you wanna scream and shout?
But I don't wanna fight babe
I guess that's why I'm leavin' now
I can't do nothin' right babe, what's hatnin'

Arguin' won't fix the problem, talk with me and we can solve it
Be real with me, ain't no other option, no other option
Arguin' won't fix the problem, talk with me, baby we can solve it
Be real with me, ain't no other option, no other option

We just need forgiveness baby, I can give the business
I just, I just wanna give it to you
Girl let's pick up where we started, we don't need to worry 'bout it
We just wanna have fun tonight

I pull up and then I hop out, like what's hatnin'
I knock on the door, she know who it is, what's hatnin'
We on a roll, we 'bout to go, what's hatnin'
We took off in that UFO, like what's hatnin'
What's hatnin', what's hatnin', baby girl what's hatnin'
Don't talk about it, just be about it, whatever happens, it's hatnin'
What's hatnin', what's hatnin', baby girl what's hatnin'
Don't talk about it, just be about it, you got it girl, what's hatnin'

In love, what you waiting for?
I've been waiting for a girl like you for a long, long, long, long time now
In love
Don't throw it away, don't throw it away

Arguin' won't fix the problem, talk with me and we can solve it
Be real with me, ain't no other option, no other option
Arguin' won't fix the problem, talk with me, baby we can solve it
Be real with me, ain't no other option, no other option

I pull up and then I hop out, like what's hatnin'
I knock on the door, she know who it is, what's hatnin'
We on a roll, we 'bout to go, what's hatnin'
We took off in that UFO, like what's hatnin'
What's hatnin', what's hatnin', baby girl what's hatnin'
Don't talk about it, just be about it, whatever happens, it's hatnin'
What's hatnin', what's hatnin', baby girl what's hatnin'
Don't talk about it, just be about it, you got it girl, what's hatnin'

Girl you my blessin', with you undressin'
What's hatnin', what's hatnin', what's hatnin', what's hatnin', what's hatnin'

Lirik Justin bieber - swap it out 

Open up to me, it’s all you gotta do
Give me all your heart, swap it mine out with you
Swap it out with you
Swap it out with you
Come into my world
I gave my world to you
We can swap swap swap it out

I can show you what I’m talking about
Be obliged just to show you how
Follow my lead, that’s what you oughta do
No pressure
Swapping mine ain’t ever been a crime
If it was then I’d do the time
Throw away the keys as long as I’m here with you

Eye for an eye
I’m the one that told you
Wipe your pretty eyes, dry ‘em on my shoulder
You ain’t gotta try, try to get closer
Fifty-fifty here, let’s make it, devise it
Simulate the love
Try it ‘for you knock it
You ain’t gotta rush
But you ain’t gotta stop it

Open up to me, it’s all you gotta do
Give me all your heart, swap it mine out with you
Swap it out with you
Swap it out with you
Come into my world
I gave my world to you
We can swap swap swap it out

Oh swappin’ out will only change your life
It’s worried ‘bout the sacrifice
After all what do we have to lose
Don’t separate our destiny
By separating you from me
These are the terms
That we’re made for each other

Eye for an eye
I’m the one that told you
Wipe your pretty eyes, dry ‘em on my shoulder
You ain’t gotta try, try to get closer
Fifty-fifty here, let’s make it, devise it
Simulate the love
Try it ‘for you knock it
You ain’t gotta rush
But you ain’t gotta stop it

Open up to me, it’s all you gotta do
Give me all your heart, swap it mine out with you
Swap it out with you
Swap it out with you
Come into my world
I gave my world to you
We can swap swap swap it out

Don’t be afraid darling
I got your back baby
Oh you don’t gotta worry, no
You gotta know that baby
Open up to me

Open up to me, it’s all you gotta do
Give me all your heart, swap it mine out with you
Swap it out with you
Swap it out with you
Come into my world
I gave my world to you
We can swap swap swap it out

We can swap out our love, oh
Over and over and over again
Oh you ain’t gotta be afraid
Oh your love is in my hands
My hands, your love is in my hands
Oh your love is in my hands

Lirik Justin bieber - Memphis

I love you, need you
Need you to stay

Girl you're on my mind like 24/7
Every single time that I'm not with you
If you spend the night, baby it could be heaven
Hit me on my line if you're tryna come through

I feel my heartbeat bumpin' to the bass
She give me butterflies and they won't go away
Under the stars, she took my hand and said
"Love, you, need you, need you here to stay"

I'd like to give you what you need
I try but you're makin' it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Cause I love you, need you, need you here to stay

I'd like to give you what you need
I try but you're makin' it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Cause I love you, need you, need you here to stay

Every time you're distant, girl somethin' is missin'
And wish that I could fix it, I wish things were different
What else, what else, if you love me, girl then say it
Say what else, what else, if you wanna be my baby

I feel my heartbeat bumpin' to the bass
She give me butterflies and they won't go away
Under the stars, she took my hand and said
"Love, you, need you, need you here to stay"

I'd like to give you what you need
I try but you're makin' it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Cause I love you, need you, need you here to stay

I'd like to give you what you need
I try but you're makin' it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Cause I love you, need you, need you here to stay

Is this what you want? The baddest, the baddest
I know what you want, without askin'
I hit once, have to have it, hit it twice, it's a habit, don't get caught up in traffic
I heard that it's stormin' outside, let's do that on the mattress
I just keep askin, is it real, is it real? Look, tell me, is it real?
Yep, real enough to go and get it tatted
Give you flowers, now you look like you're on a pageant
I can take you to the crib, condo, or the cabin, what's up?
If you make it, I can make it happen, I can grant it
Don't you take my "grant it" though for granted
I know that's not your intent, we ain't even campin'
And to leave this bed Imma need a fuckin' ransom
Man I got her screamin' "Finally Famous!" when we fly around
Never lie to you 'less I lie you down
I put the writin' on the wall, but you don't understand it all like we in Chinatown
We one and one, both one of ones, and when you put the twos together
That's not twenty-two, it's forever, I promise 20-20 couldn't even make it clearer
I swear, Sean Don

I'd like to give you what you need
I try but you're makin' it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Cause I love you, need you, need you here to stay

I'd like to give you what you need
I try but you're makin' it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Cause I love you, need you, need you here to stay